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What happens when the concept behind Marjory Allen’s Adventure Playground is applied to a grid of cubicles? An Adventure Playground is built entirely by children. At the beginning, the playground is as simple as random building supplies and garbage dumped into a vacant lot, but after the children play and build, the lot becomes a special place children can take pride in. Adventure Playgrounds are built up entirely by creativity and a strong pride in the place kids designed based on rules they established. This level of creativity and pride of space should be applied to office design.

The cubicle is the complete opposite of Adventure Playgrounds, but maybe the frame of the cubicle can be used to establish some boundaries. The grid of frames can be stacked vertically and horizontally. Then, much like the Adventure Playground, an individual can choose from a large selection of materials and build their own workspace within the grid of frames. They can add floor panels and walls on any side of the cube they choose, connect several cubes, or add a cube for their kid so they can build their own playground while you get work done. A vacant lot can be filled with this modern day adaptable cubicle that becomes the framework for an Adventure Playground for grown-ups.

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