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Beginning with recycled modules of clear, round, plastic salad lids and a framework of used, interlocking water bottles, research and development of possible connections and joints of these materials led to the discovery of the wave pavilion. The design of Tabbed Tide draws inspiration from a wave-like form, while embracing the grid-like organization of plastic lids woven together through an ordered series of slits and tabs. The resulting 10x17 plane is duplicated, establishing inner and outer shells, then connected via an apparatus of trimmed, fitted bottle tops. These interior bottle joints are fastened by screwing their caps through precise holes cut into the lids. The double shell plane is lifted and curved to the barrel vault form, recalling the shape and light qualities of a wave. A transverse framework of interlocking water bottle ribs, running between the inner and outer layers, provides strength and rigidity to the self-supporting structure. The clear materials utilized in the design manipulate natural light to achieve specific light qualities. The “wave” is fully realized in both the swooping curve of the outer shell as well as the desired lighting patterns projected into the interior of the pod.

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